Angel Aura Quartz

Sale price Price $25.00 Regular price

You will receive (1) Angel Aura Quartz Cluster approximately 35mm-50mm

ANGEL AURA QUARTZ joy, rejuvenation, loving energy, balance, protection, nourishing, emotional healing

PROPERTIES: Angel Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals, and exhibits a light blue, rainbow, and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of an angel. It carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. It can be used regularly to open oneself to divine knowledge, to stimulate deep spiritual experiences, to promote successful meditation, to aid in establishing a connection to Spirit, to bring love and light into any situation, to promote feelings of safety and security, to enhance loving-kindness, to facilitate peace and calming, to mend broken relationships, to enhance forgiveness within oneself or of others, and to enhance compassionate attitudes.

Crown & Root Chakras

Made in the United States